The Party's Over

Oh I am so SAD!  We finished the whole series and now we don't know what to do!  Maybe start over?

Ya know - it's so funny when you go back and watch Season 1 - Episode 1.  It all makes sense the second you start it - with Hector yelling "BIG ERIC!!!"  The first time we ever watched it we were like "WTF???"

A few things:

Um  -  are Paul and Iona marrit or what?!  We didn't know what was going on.  Everyone was just frolicking around the manse, eating tons of Ewan's food (on Glen Bogle's dime) but they never really explained what was happening.

I love Susan Hampshire.  I miss her terribly.  We can't help watching her videos on Youtube.

Seeing Hector come back after all that time was awesome.  I love him.  I almost started crying at one point - but then things got light again and I was OK.

Alastair Mackenzie didn't come back for the finale?  Things that make you go "hmmmmm".

See the previous point but sub in the name "Dawn Steele".

Kilwillie makes my entire day.  Every time I see him I canna help but scream out "KILWILLIE!"

Ewan = Hil-AR-ious.  I wish he'd move in next door to me and attend our neighborhood barbecues.  He'd be a hilarious neighbor, would he not?

Iona's wedding dress was my DREAM dress.  If I could get marrit again, I would totally wear that with its simple drape and fluted sleeves. I have considered doing a vow retake in Scotland for my 20th just so I can wear a dress like that and frolic barefoot in the heather while my voice carries on the wind.  (Could you please TRY not to laugh at me?  Thankyouverramuch.)

OK that's it for now - more to come.  I found an AWESOME video on youtube last night about modern day life in the Highlands; it is not to be missed.


  1. Oh my goodness, I'm watching one of the Susan Hampshire videos right now - how adorable is she?!?! I'm really going to miss her lovely face on MOTG.

    OK, I've got a LOT to say here (I've been waiting for you to finish! lol)

    I do not think that Paul and Iona got married. I think that the wedding was called off and SOMEONE had to eat all of that food! I had seen what I thought were spoilers about a wedding between them, and I'm glad that I misunderstood because it would have been weird to rush it like that. (Not that it was any less weird for Iona to agree to marry Malcolm just because Paul hadn't declared his love for her. Huh??)

    I wasn't completely 100% sold on Paul and Iona (though I did want Paul to fall for someone who WASN'T married to his brother...), but then when they were outside the church and she said "But you gave me away!" with such feeling! Oh, the two crazy kids had me there. **sniff**

    I think that it would have been kind of weird to have Lexie back at Glenbogle with Paul falling for Iona. It just would have required that much more explaining (BTW, I'm over you, and now I like her. OK? OK.) Though, even saying that, it would have been nice to have all of the old gang back together again.

    LOVED that Duncan swooped in right at the end! I don't get him and Jess as a couple, but they do, and that's all that counts. :-)

    I DID start to cry when we first saw Hector again! That's when I knew I was going to love the finale. :-)

    I felt bad for Kilwillie when Molly and Golly (FINALLY!!) got together. But then wasn't that a nice little nugget when he and the female minister were flirting with each other? Loved it!

    I need to watch that episode again (if not the entire series). It really was well done. :-)

  2. Alright. I *finally* finished tonight. I was left with the impression that everyone was going to get married...Paul and Iona, Molly & Golly, Duncan and Jess - poor Kilwillie...2 proposals and still couldn't get Molly.

    So - on the Season 7 DVD, there is something on the "special features" section everyone needs to watch. It's called the "The Last Monarch" and is all about the filming of the show - interviews with most of the actors (including Archie & Lexie!) and it shows them actually shooting the last show. Very worth watching, I promise! I'm going to miss the show so much!!! Thank you Carol for turning me onto it!!! ("turn me on to it"??? God, I'm showing my age!)

  3. Julia I'm so glad you enjoyed it. And yes - poor KilWillie! I just love him.

    And thank god for Cari because I complained to you for weeks! :)

    I MISS it so much! I want to find the "Bring Back Monarch of the Glen" petition! :)

  4. Ooh, thanks for the "making of" tip, Julia! I'll defninitely have to check that out.

    Carol, it definitely goes both ways! ;-)

  5. So, this blog post was from 2011 but I am living all your emotions right now! I just watched all of the episodes on Netflix and had the same question...did Paul and Iona get married??? I struggled with their relationship feeling authentic, also, and felt the same way when Iona said "but you gave me away". It was strange not having Archie and Lexi there, but was glad that Kilwillie and Duncan were there. And isn't Molly just so special? Can I adopt her as my mother??? I always loved how she got people thinking about things without lecturing them. Just gently guiding them with thought provoking comments. I will probably start watching it all over again so I don't go into a deep depression saying good bye to all my dear friends. Is that sad or what? Thanks for your post. I don't feel so alone with my feelings any more and know there are more people out there going through the same feelings. :)

    1. Oh Tammy, believe me, I feel the same way today in 2016 that I did when I wrote this in 2011. My husband and I talk about Monarch of the Glen like it exists and these people are real and we know them. LOL I miss it so much and am HOPING that someone - somewhere - is considering reviving this tremendous show after the success of Downton Abbey. You can't tell me MofG wasn't a major factor in Julian Fellowes' creation of Downton, and I hope people realize what a smart decision it would be to revive the show. And PS - Susan Hampshire - aka Molly - is lovely and I hope to see her again in something soon. I have to get on IMDb and see what she's been up to lately!

  6. I think part of my problem is that I watched Monarch of the Glen so much. I find myself wanting to talk in a Scottish accent and wanting to say Glenbogle all the time. lol. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Julian Fellowes revived it and wrote new episodes of Monarch of the Glen??? OH MY GOSH!!! I absolutely love Downton Abbey, I have ever since the very first day they aired it here in the U.S., before it was "all the rage". I get on IMDb all the time, checking on all my favorite characters/actors! My first introduction to Susan Hampshire was in the series "The Grand". I have to say that I appreciate her character in Monarch of the Glen much better. I was looking at the Ardverikie's Estate info online today and saw that they have cottages to rent on the estate. Oh how I wish I had the money to travel! :)

  7. I finished the series last night after binging whenever I could, over a month, I already miss it. I loved how things always worked out for everyone. I thought it got a little bizarre towards the end of the series, with the loch monster and Hectors Ghost. Despite that I enjoyed just about every second of the seven series.

    Could anyone recommend other feel-good shows?
